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Historically I shot landscape images mainly as context images in support of wildlife sightings. No thought given to composition as it does not matter. Mainly to inform anyone who asked me about where to look for certain species. I am now trying to produce more varied landscapes as an interest in itself. Landscapes in the Goyt Valley itself only and whatever mioves me on the day.

Images catalogued below are mainly along specific stretches of route, indicated on the related maps. Plus features or vantage points. There have to be two supporting maps to encompass the whole Goyt Valley area, each designed to fit an A4 page in landscape format. One above and one below Easting line 76. This information may help others decide where to shoot their own images.

Rather than try to draw lines along irregular stretches of route, a capital letter in red will identify the route location on the maps (blue on the interactive map). Text in the catalogue below will name the stretch of route, feature or vantage point. Features and vantage points will be identified by the reference letter in a coloured circle.

The interactive links will always link to the first page in the MAIN section of the route concerned. The letter A or B tagged on to the end of the catalogue name below indicates the map concerned. At the moment I cannot think of a better way of organising this. Images posted will be as they are taken, added to the end of the section concerned. Most images taken are archived and not used.

There are three headings under each location. Anything at all video will be under that heading. Any scene containing obvious snow or heavy frost will be listed under Winter regardless of the date. Seasons constantly shift and the longer you live you will realise that wild fluctuations in climate patterns are perfectly normal behaviour for nature and always have been. All else will be under MAIN.
You can either view and/or print the maps to enable you to make a choice or you can use the interactive map referred to below. Any page visited in this Landscapes section, includes direct links back to this page for speed of use.
Maps may be updated at any time. The most recent hardcopy maps available online as PDF files are Map A: V010 and Map B: V005
Both maps A and B can be accessed here as one interactive map and this is always fully up-to-date: Interactive Map
The number of images available under each heading is indicated below, to save wasting your time. All links land on the first page under the MAIN heading, where there may be some description of the route. The most recent group(s) to have one or more new images added (at the end) have a temporary background colour in yellow. Most recent update: November 24th. 2024
  M W V     M W V  
A 30 27 0 From Pym Chair to Shining Tor - A B 41 13 0 The Street from Pym Chair to the Dam - B *
C 87 21 0 Errwood Reservoir East side - A D 94 20 0 Errwood Reservoir West side -A
E 27 6 0 Fernilee Reservoir East side - B F 41 11 0 Fernilee Reservoir West side - B
G 10 5 0 Feature (The Old Steam Pond) - Pond No: 1 - A H 2 2 0 Feature - Pond number 2 - A
J 73 8 4 Goytsclough Quarry, Stakeside to Stile at V - A K 5 5 2 Feature - Packhorse Bridge - A
L 2 0 0 Bunsal Cobb to A5004 (See Route 4) - B M 7 6 0 All Goyt's Lane to Bunsal Cob -A
N 33 5 1 Unnamed Clough to Errwood Hall - A P 1 1 0 Feature Errwood Hall - A
Q 6 5 0 Lamaload to Shining Tor - A R 3 1 0 Jenkin Chapel to Pym Chair - B
S 9 0 0 Fernilee Dam - B T 14 5 2 Errwood Dam - A
U 15 0 0 Dismantled railway - A V 7 2 0 V (finger post) to V1 - A
W 13 5 0 V1 to Errwood Hall via Shooter's Cloughl - A X 31 4 0 Shining Tor to V - A
Y 41 11 0 Errwood Hall Car Park to Derbyshire Bridge - A Z 7 0 0 Detour One (See Route 2) - B
A2 14 0 0 Street lay-by to Errwood Hall - A B2 7 0 0 The Old Steam Pond to Wildmoorstone Brook - A
C2 22 0 1 Derbyshire Bridge ^ Packhorse Bridge - A D2 4 0 1 Oldfield Farm > Car Park 6 (Route 21 map)
E2 3 0 0 Feature - Pond number 3 - A F2 8 0 0 Route 6 detour B - A
G2 8 0 0 Hillbridge and Park Wood - B H2 8 0 0 (see Route 24 map) - A
J2 04 0 0 V1 to Errwood Hall Car Park direct - A          
* In the interests of accuracy, from Pym Chair the road name is Embridge Causeway for a substantial distance before changing to The Street. I call it all The Street for convenience. The change point appears to be at the lay-by on the DCC layer map or internet map.
From landscape page G2. Hillbridge and Park Wood (Spring Bluebells): May 21st. 2023
Page last reviewed and updated: August 30th. 2024.
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