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  Navigation: wildlife > other invertebrates > Shield Bugs  
These true bugs are among my favourites and plenty of these very slow moving Shield Bugs of diverse colours and markings will be found. Easy to identify with a little experience they are a delight to watch. That said, included below in addition is one Shield Bug that is on the Defra hit-list (Non-Native Species Directorate). To the experienced shield-bug eye this new shield-bug is larger. A Defra PDF is included for identification purposes.
Picromerus bidens - September 28th.
Forest Bug (Pentatoma rufipes) - July 18th.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys)
This is the invasive species and is larger (not much) than all UK native species but care still needs to be taken to identify. Defra has published an identification guide which can be download here. It needs to be reported if seen. This is not one of my images.
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