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  Navigation: wildlife > odonata > damselflies > Banded Demoiselle  
Declaration: For the record I do not claim to have seen or heard of this species in the Goyt Valley or the immediate surroundings. This is provided as an illustration for anyone intent on looking for the species. Normally associated with slow-moving rivers on the margins, there are also colonies alongside canals. They have a very clumsy flight pattern and are readily seen when on the move. This one a male and the female less often seen: August 8th.
Female of the species and this one, the same insect as the one below, on the margins of the canal in SK10 (SJ 927 756 - Elev: 160). Curiously this - early in the year - specimen, the only one seen. Females usually more rarely seen, if at all: May 25th. 2023
For the photography boffins out there these two images were shot at 600mm using 1/320 sec @ !SO-800. I never expected this lens to deliver this amount of detail. It is very helpful that these insects when seen are invariably on the periphery of clumps concerned which aids light: May 25th. 2023
Classic territory for the Banded Demoiselle, resting on the curved blades of Pond Iris. Usually seen at one end of a clump of Iris, with the females more secretive, hidden on the water side of any clump. Males often noticed first with their busy and very clumsy flight. The male may be green or blue but always has the band. The female never has the dark band. The Iris image shot using my ancient smartphone as I had swapped my landscape lens for a macro lens before setting off: May 25th. 2023
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