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  Navigation: wildlife > Wildlife Cameras > Camera 1 (Hedgehog House)  
I have just rebuilt the Hedgehog Home. My original homes were all semi-buried but following some remodelling the new home is above ground and seen. Basically a mock log-cabin (ish) in outline it blends in better than my previous garish attempt.
I have installed a high definition camera for now as the previous camera in use needs checking and testing. The image opposite is a day time image with a wildlife LED lamp installed and working for now.

The bedding material is some spare Barley Straw that used to be used for ponds but no longer is.

The tunnel can be seen in the bottom right corner as can the clip the keeps the tunnel in place.

If these homes are used, it is usually briefly in my experience.

Plan of the arrangement which now includes a garden access point by making the tunnel longer than previously.

The access tunnel only 125mm x 125mm internally (5").

The tunnel through the wall was created when the drystone wall was rebuilt by a professional.

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